Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oh Vena...

I need to get a little irritation issue out of the way. I'm sure all of you know I can't read music. I'm OK with that. Seriously.. I've been dealing with it for 20 years, I don't mind it. Well, I finally got my music proofed (the one I managed to print and will try to publish) and the lady I got to do it was my mom's friend Vena. Don't get me wrong, Vena is a nice lady. She was very willing to help me and was very nice about it. Here's where the irritation comes in though... she is insisting that I learn how to read music. Rather than work on making sure my song was right, she spent most of the time trying to find ways that I could learn to read the music. I DON'T CARE! Reading music is as big of a deal to me as finding a penny on the ground. Anyway, she called me to ask if I was practicing my [her] technique. I tried to explain to her as I had done at her house, that reading music just doesn't come to me. I have tried. While I was taking lessons for 6 years my teacher couldn't make me learn. I've never been able to teach myself, I just can't do it. I've developed a way to play the piano that doesn't require me to read music, and I'm HAPPY. I don't mean to boast, but I can play better than a lot of people who can read music. This is what works for me. But Vena being the kind of person she is, refused to accept that and just said, ok well keep trying it and let me know how you're progressing. Sigh... have any of you ever had someone like this who just can't take no for an answer? I know I shouldn't complain, she's just trying to help. But I just don't need (or want) another piano teacher.


Diana said...

I know a lot of people who just can't take no for an answer. What is up with that?

Elaine said...

Here is what you do. Be nice and sincere when you say No Thanks.. Some people want you to be like them. and just won't give up. Wouldn't that be a boring life if we just like each other.? Say, "I actually like how I play the piano" Thank you very much.

Shana said...

I totally understand! Just be sure to be nice and do what your mom said! :) hehe

Audra said...

frustrating! I like what others have said about it.

Kimberlie said...

that's hard.... It can be so frustrating when keep on insisiting and don't stop. Mom's have good advice! :)

Jessi said...

I personally think it is poor manners to give unsolicited advice. It almost always comes across as condescending and rude. It helps me to try to remember, though, that most people are just trying to help and you can accept their intent without following their advice.