Monday, August 27, 2007

Is It Hereditary?

I'm sitting here watching Connor try to devour the sleeve of his shirt. Mmmm...tasty! It's funny because I pull it back so he can suck on his hand instead (that's his new favorite thing to do. He even prefers his hand over his binki) and he gets this disgusted look on his face like "ahh mom! What did you just give me?! That is GROSS!" Then he manages to pull his sleeve back over his hand and he goes at it again. Hahaha...who would have thought that his shirt would taste better? He must get it from John! John will eat anything! I bet Connor is just practicing for when he can too! I hope he doesn't want to try things like cat and horse though! YUCK!...don't ask..

1 comment:

Shana said...

That is a boy for ya, and just think!!--- It is gonna get WORSE! ahhhh