Friday, August 24, 2007

Oh No! LICE!!

I found out that Sierra had head lice today. EWW! Well, since Alex had been around her last weekend, we didn't know if Alex had gotten them too. So, we did a treatment on her. Just in case. It's always better to be safe then sorry, right? I don't think she had them. I didn't see anything anyway. But then again, I've never seen lice before. I don't really know what they look like. I'm assuming I'd know though if I saw them. It's kind of hard to miss bugs crawling through your hair. I'm kind of paranoid that maybe she did have it, and I didn't do a good enough job getting rid of them. I guess if I didn't, we'll know in a few days. She's going with her mom tomorrow until sunday, so I'll check again when she gets back.
I almost want to check my scalp really good. Ever since I heard about it, my scalp has been itchy and I'm freaking out! I'm sure it's just me getting the creeps, but what if it wasn't? EEEEWWWWWWWW!!!! I don't want them!!!


Kortney said...

I am soooo SORRY Kami! If there is anything else I can do, please ask. Hope that kit I gave you works... or that she doesn't have them. If you need another kit, let me know and I'll buy you another one. I wish this had never happened! I know what you are going through...I am right there with you, only Sierra's is a confirmed case of lice. I've seen the little creatures first hand. EWWW!

Kami Hall said...

It's ok Kort! I don't blame you in the LEAST!! I know Jason is just gross and it figures it would come from him. I hope Sierra's case is gone though! I don't think Alex had them. She did have some dandruff though... :-p Thank you for the kit!

Audra said...

One thing good about having only boys - it would be easier to spot and treat if they had lice (or so they tell me). We have never had them and I HOPE they never will get it. But you never know with kids!

Michelle Pyne said...

NOT FUN! Hopefully they were all wiped out by your first treatment. Our condolences go to Kortney and Sierra too!

Abbi said...

I hope she didn't get lice! For some reason I was so afraid of lice growing up, even though I never got it or knew anyone who got it. But I still DO NOT like the thought of it at all.