Friday, January 25, 2008

"Mom, I've had it rough today! You woke me up at 4:15 and made me drink a bottle. Then I couldn't sleep after so good, but it didn't matter because you came and made me get out of bed at 4:45! I didn't know what was going on! Then you and Nana take me to this strange place where this other girl kept screaming at me and it scared me mom! What did I do to her? Luckily Nana held me and made me feel better though. But that's not the worst part! I was getting tired and hungry and you wouldn't feed me anything! Why?? You know I can't sleep if I'm in a strange place and I'm hungry. But then, after a long long time you gave me to these strange men and they put this mask on my face and made me breath this gas. Mom! I can't remember anything they did to me! But when I woke up I felt sick and weird and you were gone! These people strapped things to my feet and kept telling me to hold still. I kept screaming and screaming for you but you weren't there! But then this nice lady went and got you and you came and held me and I started to feel better. Nana gave me crackers, and juice, and rocked me and everything was ok after that. But I gotta tell you mom.. when we got home I was sure glad to be there, but I still felt funny. I tried to nap, but I couldn't stay asleep for that long. My tummy feels kind of sick. I guess what I'm getting at is, if you'll just hold me and love me all day long, I won't feel as bad. Oh, and make sure I have my binky! Will you mom? I love you, and I just want to be with you when I don't feel good."

"Baby, I will hold you for as long as you let me. I will take care of you to the best of my abilities, and I'm so sorry things were so hard for you! I love you!"

*the tubes were put in successfully, and lets just hope they make him feel better!


Diana said...

Hope his recovery is short.

Chris said...

I'm sure this will make a big difference. Glad he's got it all over with.

Abbi said...

That sounds rough. But I'm glad it's over, and I hope it helps a lot!

Elaine said...

What a cute blog. He is so adorable. Everyone thought he was cutest kid there.

Shana said...

I Hope he does well and that he starts to feel better soon!!!!

Jessi said...

What a relief to have it over and to move in to recovery-mode. I hope he heals quickly.