Thursday, November 29, 2007

And Then It Was Done!

This is a machine.

This is a machine that John built.

This is a machine that John built that I know absolutely nothing about.

....but he's very proud of it. :)

*He asked me to post this so you all could see a little bit of what he does.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Get a load of this! Thanks mom and dad!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

I'm Finally Getting To It....

It has taken me forever it seems to update this. Thanksgiving was wonderful! Except that Connor was still sick. His ear infections didn't clear up. What really made me mad too was we were trying to take him to an instacare because we were afraid something really bad was wrong with him. (Anyone at Aunt Lola's can attest to that) So we called all over trying to find one that was open. We found ONE in Taylorsville. Well...long story short, they were supposed to be open until 5pm. We had to drive all the way from Springville in less than an hour. We got there at 4:55 and they wouldn't let us in! NOT COOL!! They are not supposed to close the doors early! There were still people in the lobby, people walking around, but nobody would let us in. I was so mad! I called Human Resources on that one. They shouldn't be allowed to do that. Especially when we called to ask when they closed. Sorry, but 4:55 is not 5. Yeah, it was a holiday and it was cutting it pretty close. I can understand people wanting to get home to their families. But a sick baby is no joke. We needed to see a doctor, and they told us they closed at 5 not before. So we should have been able to get in. And THANK YOU Shana for all your help with him!! I know how hard it is to not be able to settle a screaming baby, but you took him on and did a great job!!
Ok, so that's my little rant and rave about it. Other than that, things were great. I was the only one who forgot my camera though. I really should stop doing that!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

7 Things You Didn't Know About Me.. And Maybe Wish You Still Didn't :)

1. I HATE fish!!! They are so disgusting to eat, touch, smell, look at, swim with, etc. They GROSS ME OUT!!! I have a phobia of the big nasty ones too. I'm scared of them!

2. Once when I was little (like maybe 5 or 6 I think) and we were on vacation, I thought I was being clever while we were at a park. I said to my mom "I can go out and close my eyes, spin around, and still find your hand" RIGHT! I found a hand old guys. I grabbed it and was swinging hands with him walking. Then I opened my eyes. OOPS! He thought it was funny at least. (Thanks for not stopping me mom! :p)

3. I ate ice cream and ketchup with a pickle once because my dad dared me to.

4. I have to be in the mood to really be creative. I love to paint, and draw, but if I'm not feeling creative I can't do it.

5. One time I had a call from an Army recruiter and the conversation went like this: "Hello" "Hi! can I speak with Kameron please?" "this is she" "she??" "yeah" "oh...uh.. I thought you were a guy." "nope, I'm not." "well... uh... do you think you would want to join the Army?" "nope! Bye."

6. I used to be able to fold my tongue into 3 loops.

7. I don't think there's any kind of food (except fish) that I really don't like. I think that's part of my weight problem!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Family To The Rescue!!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! to Kortney, my mom, and John for all their help today, and over the weekend!! Kortney was a life saver and took Connor for me all day until she had to go work. Then my mom picked him up after she got off work and took him to spend the night at her house. I'm still sick today. John has been so helpful and has taken time off to come and help me all weekend and a lot of today. I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday, but I'm down for the count. Thank goodness for family! Thank you so much!! I'm going to get some really good rest tonight and hopefully be better in the morning. Or at least be able to function! I can tell what I had is turning into a cold. Good thing there's Dayquil! I'm not happy about being sick on thanksgiving though. I hope I don't lose my appetite!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Worst Feeling Ever!!

I have been SOOOOO sick today! I don't know if I have the stomach flu or food poisoning, but whatever it is, it's kicking my butt!! I have been throwing up among other symptoms all day. I get dizzy and nauseous when I stand up, and I'm dehydrated from all the loss of everything, but drinking water just makes me want to throw up again. I am completely MISERABLE!! John has had to take care of the baby all by himself today. I put him to bed for him, but even that was a challenge. I became really dizzy and collapsed by the door when I was done. Luckily not while holding the baby!!! But I just sat there on the floor waiting for it to pass so I could go back to bed. John had taken Alex over to his brother's for a quick visit so he wasn't there to help me. I'm kind of worried guys. I don't know how I'm going to take care of Connor tomorrow. My mom has to work, and I haven't asked if Kortney can help. Maybe I'll get lucky and I'll be better in the morning. Right now though, I feel like I need to throw up again. This is really gross, but almost every time I do it feels like I'm throwing up half my body weight. I throw up ALOT! I didn't think I had that much left in my stomach...guess I do. YUCK!!!!! Oh, and I can't take any medicine either. I've tried taking Pepto but it makes me gag and throw up again. I hate this!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

They're Off!!!

I finally got my pay it forward gifts out (with the help of my mom, thanks mom)! Phew! I'm glad that's done! So be watching for them!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Poor Baby :(

Connor has 2 ear infections again, congestion (which caused the ear infections), a nasty cough, fevers, and a sore throat. He has to take 3 different kinds of medicine, some twice a day. He hates it. I feel so bad for him! I hate seeing him miserable. I was up with him a lot last night just trying to comfort him as he kept choking and gagging from what he was trying to cough up. It just rips you apart feeling so helpless for one so little. But even though he feels like crap and he's loaded up with meds, he still manages to smile and be happy. Even if it's just for a minute anyway. He is such a good boy! He's a lot braver then me and he's only 6 months old! If I were sick like that I wouldn't be so good about it. What an angel!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Yay! I'm On Veggies!

Can't you tell how much he LOVES his solids? LOL

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How Sweet She Is!

I received the cutest gift from Shana! A gratitude journal. This was such a great idea! The object is to write something you're thankful for every day. I love this! For my winners, yes, I know I've been slacking. But I PROMISE I will be getting them out by the end of this week! Things have been just a little crazy lately. I think the baby might be sick again, and I think he gave it to me. I broke out in 3 fevers last night. Argh.... I hate being sick! But I will get them out don't worry! Thank you all for being so patient with me! Hey! I can write that as one of the things in my new journal! :) So thank you Shana for the wonderful gift!! I love all you guys!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Better Than Ever!!

Introducing the new and improved Miss Shelby! I took her to the groomers yesterday. (I love when they come home with little bows in their hair) They got rid of all her mats, gave her a good bath (I've never seen her fur so white!), took care of her major shedding problem, and made her look like a totally new dog! She knows she's pretty now too and wants CONSTANT loves! You can tell she's a TON happier. She has a whole new attitude that's so good to see. She's been sick just like the rest of us only her sickness was a parasite. We got that taken care of too. But the last few weeks she hadn't been herself and you could tell she wasn't feeling good. Now she's acting happy and energetic again. She's such a good dog!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Pics

Connor was a hot dog. We went to see my mom at work, so that is where this picture was taken.
Nana and Connor. Notice his little trick-or-treat bag. :)

Alex was Cleopatra. For some reason, every time John uses the camera his pictures come out blurry. This was the best one out of all of them. It's blurry, but less blurry then the others. It's also the only one where she's actually smiling. She looks depressed in all the others.