Monday, November 19, 2007

Family To The Rescue!!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU!!! to Kortney, my mom, and John for all their help today, and over the weekend!! Kortney was a life saver and took Connor for me all day until she had to go work. Then my mom picked him up after she got off work and took him to spend the night at her house. I'm still sick today. John has been so helpful and has taken time off to come and help me all weekend and a lot of today. I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday, but I'm down for the count. Thank goodness for family! Thank you so much!! I'm going to get some really good rest tonight and hopefully be better in the morning. Or at least be able to function! I can tell what I had is turning into a cold. Good thing there's Dayquil! I'm not happy about being sick on thanksgiving though. I hope I don't lose my appetite!


Shana said...

I Hope you get feeling better SOON for Thanksgiving!! And yes, THANK GOODNESS For Family! They always seem to help ya out when you need them! :) Get some rest!

Elaine said...

Connor was an angel last night. Went to bed at 8:00pm after eating ceral and playing in the tub. Then drank a bottle. Slept 'til 4:00am his little tummy was so empty I heard it splash like filling an empty bucket. I didn't even move him, just fed him and he is still asleep..It is 7:00 am. HE is such a Good baby. You get better!!!

Jessi said...

That is wonderful your family was able to step in and help. When you're sick you simply cannot take care of a baby. I hope you get better soon!!