Wednesday, November 14, 2007

They're Off!!!

I finally got my pay it forward gifts out (with the help of my mom, thanks mom)! Phew! I'm glad that's done! So be watching for them!


Shana said...

I GOT MINE TODAY KAMI! You did such a good job! HOW CUTE they are! :) Thank YOU! I will post about it too! :) And I am so sorry about the ear infections. Daxton would get them all the time! They are just horrible!!

Brynn said...

I hate ear infections too. My girls can never just get one they always get the double ear infections. I'm sorry. That stinks.

Kimberlie said...

Thank you Kami! The towels are so cute! I love the Homemade happiness recipe. Great reminder :)

Thanks again

Kami Hall said...

You are so welcome Kim! I'm glad you like them!