Sunday, February 24, 2008


Last night was a frustrating night for me. I was on my way home from having dinner with my friend Tiffany and just as I got to the turn lane on Bangerter my car died! Just flat out DIED. It wouldn't turn over or click or anything! So I sat there for a little bit until 2 guys were nice enough to push me out of the way of traffic and into a parking lot. But then I had to wait 45 minutes for a tow truck. Luckily I had my jacket, gloves, and a blanket in my car! And really lucky that I didn't have the baby with me! Although after the tow truck finally got there, I found out that if I had the baby with me, they would have gotten there in about 10 minutes. It almost makes it tempting to just say you always have a kid with you. I wouldn't though. So John looked at my car today and he thinks it has something to do with the fuel pump. So now we get to shop for a garage that can fix it cheap. John can fix it too, but he doesn't want to. He doesn't like working on cars anymore.


Chris said...

That sucks!! I hate car problems and it's hard to find anyone you can trust. Hope its not too expensive.

Audra said...

That totally stinks! i am so sorry!