Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Then A Little Excited

I am STOKED!!!! about the Twilight movie coming out!! I got a little disappointed though when I found out it was coming out in December and not October. And I'm a little disappointed about who they got to play Edward. He's ok, but the one trailer you can see on You Tube, that guy would have been so much better in my opinion. But.. I'm sure I'll love it anyway! I finished reading the 4th book too. It made me sad since there won't be a 5th. Or will there?? I don't think so, but I would love it if there was! Anyway, I'm SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!


Elaine said...

That stupid book has so drawn me in.I just don't seem to have enough time to get it done but I'm almost there.

Diana said...

I am excited too. I thought the movie was coming out the end of November.