Monday, June 30, 2008

This Is Miss Macey..

Macey is the newest member of the family! She's a teeny tiny pure bred Yorkie and we LOVE her to death! She is 7 weeks old, and believe it or not...POTTY TRAINED!! She sleeps like an angel at night and she is the cutest sweetest little girl ever. We are so happy with her! She doesn't shed too which is a major bonus. I know we said after Shelby we weren't going to get any more pets, but then I got to thinking.. I really LIKE pets. I grew up with pets my entire life. I have always loved Yorkies and I thought they are a hypoallergenic dog, they're cute, and I really want a pet. So here she is! We found a breeder and went for it. What a doll!


Elaine said...

I'm glad you brought her to my work last night so I see her before I read your blog or I would have peed my pants. I can't believe you ( I really can) You have ALWAYS needed an animal around you. She is adorable and so loving hope this one works out for you. Here we go again!!! Seriously, she looks like something you might all be able to live with. Good Luck.

Diana said...

She is too cute. Good luck with her.

Shana said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Yorkie. You knew I have one, right?? Oh my goodness she is gorgeous... email me and tell me how much you got her for... They are so expensive Kami! I would love to get another one someday. I have had Jetta (my yorkie) for almost 8 years now. They are the best dogs... besides barking. :) Oh, she is a doll!!