Monday, May 26, 2008

Terrible.. "Ones"?

I know the terrible 2's, but terrible 1's? Connor is barely 1 year old and is already throwing tantrums like a pro. He's to the stage where almost no one is acceptable but mom, and if you don't hear him whining and crying every second you almost wonder what's wrong. It's getting to be very draining. This gets better right?


Elaine said...

my mama done told me there would be days like this. Never fear though,,,, Yes, it does get better. I remember when family would see pictures of you smiling and say. " Wow, I thought she only cried!!! and the tantrums!! well, now you know...
You were a perfect two year old,(most of the time)

Kimberlie said...

It will get better, I'm sure! Hang in there :)

Audra said...

Kyle and Jordan were the hardest up until about 4 years old!!!!!

They are a delight now.