Friday, January 30, 2009

Summer Body Here I Come!!

I am very proud to announce that I have almost reached my weightloss goal! I still have a few weeks to go, but I'm going to make it!! HOORAY!!!!!!!!! The next time you guys see me I'm going to be THIN!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you feel my ExCiTeMeNt?!!


Jessi said...

Doesn't it feel great to set a goal and accomplish it? Way to go!

Elaine said...

You have such amazing self control and you eat only what you are supposed to, I am very impressed.
It's starting to really show. Keep up the good work.

Shana said...

That's AWESOME!!!!!!!! :) Way to go!!! I need to start all over once I have this little baby!! But it's ok! :) How much weight have you lost?? ANd what diet are you doing?

Audra said...

Good for you! Whenver I try to lose weight, I gain it! Keep up the good work!