Monday, September 24, 2007

Update On Alex

Kortney mentioned Alex needed an update. She's right. I don't not talk about her much because I don't want to, she just never does anything new. But here's the scoop on her. She's off track still. She'll be going back next week October 1st. She isn't at all enthusiastic about going back, but I have to confess I'm looking forward to it. 3 weeks of trying to entertain her all day isn't easy when she gets bored as easily as she does. But we've been making the best of it. She spends her days mostly hanging around the house doing little projects. Then I make her go play with her friends if she stays inside too long looking like she has absolutely nothing to do. We were planning on trying to get her into an activity, but so far just haven't gotten around to it. Don't worry though.. she's off track for another 3 weeks in November. I don't like her track schedule. Every other month for 3 weeks at a time. It makes it impossible for me to ever go back to work if I was going to. Good thing we weren't planning on me going back any time soon.
Anyway, so Alex is fine, and there's not really much else new. I've been trying to find out what she wants to be for Halloween, but the only idea she's come up with is a cat which she was last year. We'll figure it out. :)


Kortney said...

PICTURES!? Adyson is debating on either a pirate or a witch. Sierra is being what else but a princess...Cinderella. And Wyatt who knows, his mind changes like people do underwear! (everyday...hopefully)

Elaine said...

Alex is one smart little cookie. I love talking to her and hearing her expound on so many things. I know she can try your patience but she is a sweetheart. So be patient and Love her lots.

Shana said...

Kami, (I don't want to lecture AT ALL)...But I would love to just tell you that I think the best thing you could possibly do for Alex is LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her AS YOUR OWN. Yes, it may be hard to do- But that is what she needs and I am sure what you need too. Jake is an amazing daddy to Brayden & Daxton and I know that they will forever be grateful to him for the love he gives them. Take time with her.. maybe take a girls night twice a month and do something fun together. Yes, she may be hard for you sometimes, but you are her mom and she will forever be grateful for you if you show her unconditional love & guiadance. Her age may be a hard thing, but that is the ultimate gift you can give to her. :) Love ya girl!!