Thursday, September 6, 2007

We're All Connected

I just received an email about a boy who went missing in Texas. I was asked to forward it on to people, and I did. But it made me think of something.. we are all connected. It's mind blowing to me to think that someone in Texas knew someone else, who knew someone else, who knew someone in Utah, who knew someone who knew my sister, who then knows me and I know more people. Doesn't that just seem incredible? If you think of things in that perspective, we're linked to nearly everyone in the world by association. How CRAZY is that! Anyway, I hope this boy is found! If any of you would like to be able to forward his picture on to anyone you know, I'm sure the family of this poor kid would appreciate any help they can get. Just give me your email address, and I'll send it along. Otherwise, I sent it to Shana, it might reach you anyway.


Elaine said...

yes, It becomes a small world when you really think about it. Isn't it nice to all be connected?

Michelle Pyne said...

I never thought about it that way, but its true! Now that we have the internet, those connections can be accessed so quickly!