Friday, November 7, 2008


Connor is still sick, but more then that he's in a lot of pain. I took him to the doctor last night and discovered his whole mouth is full of painful blisters and sores. He hasn't eaten in 4 days, and I can barely get him to drink enough that he stays hydrated. If all of you could remember him in your prayers it would really help. I took him to the dentist today and found out he has herpes of the mouth. It's like getting a cold sore, only since he's never been exposed to it before it's doing this to him. The dentist said that 90% of kids go through this before they're 2. At least it wasn't anything serious. It's just a virus that has to pass. But it's a very painful time for him. As a mother I want what's best for my child naturally. I want him to be safe, and protected. I want him to not hurt. But I can't take away his pain and it kills me. I prayed so hard last night that the pain would stop long enough that he could at least sleep, and I think my prayers helped him. But if you all could remember him in yours I know he would benefit from it. Thank you!


Jessi said...

That is so sad! Of course I'll remember him in my prayers.

Shana said...

How sad. :( Yes, as a mother it hurts to see your child suffer. I Hope he gets feeling better. We will pray for him!