Saturday, May 31, 2008

Which To Pursue?

I've decided that I really need a career. I'm a certified phlebotomist, but so far I haven't been able to find a good company to work for. And while staying home with the baby and not having to work is nice, I find myself more and more wishing I had a trade. John has told me that if I wanted to go to school and learn something he'd support me 100%. So I've thought about it and narrowed it down to a few things that I think I might enjoy.
1- A massage therapist (Brinnley, you're input on how this is would be great!) :)
2- photographer. Probably just scenic, and really would start out as more of a hobby.
I thought I had a third one, but I can't remember it..or maybe I never had a third? Anyway... these are a couple things I've thought about. Which do you think I should try? Maybe both??


Kimberlie said...

They both sound interesting. You're a certified phlebotomist. That's cool. I have had a long history of fainting when needles are being inserted into my body. When I have more time I want to be an ultra sound technician! But school has been a really hard thing to fit into my schedule. You should totally do it now before you have more kids. It gets so much harder later to find the time.

Jessi said...

My advice is to choose whatever you are most excited about. I can't imagine doing something that I dreaded waking up for.

Elaine said...

since you have already completed the phlebotomist course and paid $ for the trainging, I would pursue that a bit more, surely, you can get a job doing that if you are consistent. You really should get your name around to reception places and play the piano for those. It would fit your schedule
the easiest I would think. Put together a repertoire of love songs that are popular and advertise yourself. I think you would love that once you did a few You have a Good Man who is there to support you in your desires. Good luck!!!

Brynn said...

Oh man, this is hard. I agree with Elaine, but if you really want to do something else do what Jessi said. It has to be something you think you would love. Massage therapy school is a little grueling. The days are long and very exhausting. But it's also rewarding. I did it for a few years and then had babies and didn't keep up on my licensing. I still do family and friends now so it's great for that. Try to get a grant. It's expensive school. And it sucks to pay it back.
So I probably didn't help much huh!??

Audra said...

I agree with Jessi - do what you love. After hearing what Brynn said, I'd be hesitant to go to message school if you aren't totally sure that is what you love. Photography is definitely something you could do now. Elaine had wise words also.

Keep us posted!