Saturday, February 23, 2008

Real Or Fake?

I'm sure all of you have seen this picture at sometime or another. It's supposedly Bigfoot. I've been watching a lot of documentaries about Bigfoot and Sasquatches, and actually I have to admit I'm starting to believe this thing might actually exist. When you think about how much untouched wilderness we have in the NW alone, it's hard to dispute that something unknown can live there and still go undiscovered. On the other hand, in other places where there are so many people saying they've seen it, why haven't they ever found a body or any crucial evidence that they exist? Still, I'm fascinated by this. If I could go on one of the expeditions for this thing I would. Just to see if anything would happen. I was watching a documentary where a group of expeditionists went out into the woods in Texas where there have been a number of reported sightings. They did research on the modern Gorilla and thought if Sasquatch were like a Gorilla, it would respond to "calls" or sounds of the like. So they went high into a tree and set up a sound system to play Gorilla calls and other types of monkey. They got a response. A wolf can howl and you can hear it from over a mile away. No human could yell loud enough to be heard from that distance without some type of bullhorn or something. So when they played these calls, they heard something call back. They played it on the documentary. It's very faint because it was coming from so far away, but audible enough that you could still hear it and if it were something like a wolf or a bear, you could tell. This thing didn't sound like anything anyone had ever heard before. I know, I sound crazy right? But I'm seriously fascinated by this. I love the idea of a Sasquatch living in the woods and can't be proven that it's really there. Scientists and archaeologists have tested "evidence" and come up with no DNA matches, no concrete proof that it's anything normal. That proves that it's something unordinary. That maybe, just maybe, it's out there. So I wanted to voice what I think about this thing. What do you think? Is it real? Or is it a hoax?


Shana said...

Oh man, I have thought a lot about this too- But when I think about it, I come to a conclusion that I have NO idea!! It is crazy to think about though!!! I WANT TO KNOW!!!!!

Abbi said...

I am a skeptic and don't believe it. I think the "evidence" and videos and such are fabricated. But if you like to believe it, I say go for it! :)

Elaine said...

it's the Cullens and the warewolves in the meadow hangin out.

Audra said...

I love seeing shows on this topic! It is so intriguing! It's fun to think, "what if?" But when it comes down to it, I don't think it is true.