Saturday, December 15, 2007

Taking In Some Culture

John and I were lucky enough to have a nice evening out last night, and we went to the symphony. It was really nice. It wasn't Christmas songs like I'd thought it would be, but still good. It was relaxing (there was a whole row of people who actually fell asleep) and nice to be able to spend some good time with John. I forgot my camera again... of course! But it kind of didn't matter anyway because they weren't allowing cameras in there and there was nothing but TRAFFIC everywhere we went to take a picture of. So, you're not really missing out on much picture-wise. Thanks again mom for taking Connor! Alex was with her mom over night so we didn't have to worry about a babysitter for her. It was a nice outing though. VERY much needed! Since it wasn't Christmas songs though, now we need to go to something that is. We went to a Kurt Bestor concert on Thursday that John wasn't able to go to since he was at work. The symphony was supposed to be his Christmas concert. We'll just find something else. The Nutcracker is performing at the Capitol Theatre until the 22nd I think. Maybe we'll look into that.


Elaine said...

Glad you had a nice date night with your honey.

Abbi said...

Oh how fun! I love the symphony. I'd be a little disappointed too if I'd expected it to be Christmas music. But still, it sounds like a great time.