Thursday, August 16, 2007

Viva Las Vegas!

Tomorrow John and I are leaving for the weekend for some much needed R & R. We've really been looking forward to this! John hasn't had a day off work in 3 weeks, which means I have been the only one taking care of the baby and we're both exhausted! So we're driving to Vegas for the weekend. It should be a nice little get-a-way. I can't wait to hit the shops!


Abbi said...

I hope you have a great time!

Shana said...

HAVE FUN!!! :) Just you and John or the kids too??

Elaine said...

Have fun and be CAREFUL!!!! NAna and Poppy will have fun with the kids.

Chris said...

Lucky!! I love Vegas..but only for a couple of days. hehe..I hope Poppy and Nana are still alive when you come home..hehehe..