Monday, July 30, 2007

Just Another Thought..

Last night I watched Shark Week on the Discovery channel, and they were doing the true story of the Indianapolis ship that sank, and something like 300 men or so were eaten by sharks. That just really freaked me out! I'm terrified of fish let alone sharks! I'm always afraid when I go swimming there's a shark near me. Especially if the water is murky and I can't see what's by me! I hate that!


Shana said...

That freaks me out too!! But it is rare for it to happen, you just gotta remember that. :) I like the look of your blog

Kimberlie said...

I started watching it and I had to turn the page! TOO Scary. I hate the idea of sharks. I don't swim in oceans or lakes or anything other than crystal clear swimming pools. Not that I think I'm swimming with sharks. I just don't like the idea of not knowing what is swimming with me. I don't think I'll ever go snorkeling. The idea sounds great but not for me. I know kind of wimpy :)

Kimberlie said...

I mean change the channel.... oops..

Audra said...

We watched that too! The boys were fascinated, Mike included. What a nightmare to live through!