Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bye-Bye Bella :(

I know what you're all thinking... it's about time I realized what I was in for, right? Well, it's official. I can't potty train Bella. I just don't have enough free time for that. If she were already potty trained, it would be different. There wouldn't be a problem. Shana, I'm sure you can attest to that! Anyway, I guess you can say I'm following in your footsteps cuz we're going to find a new home for her, and try and get an older dog who's already house broken and not a problem. Mom, don't say "I told you so"! Yes, you were right, I realize that. I knew that before, I just wasn't ready to give up yet. So there you have it folks! Bella is going to a better home. And I'm sure she'll love it and be just fine!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Just Another Thought..

Last night I watched Shark Week on the Discovery channel, and they were doing the true story of the Indianapolis ship that sank, and something like 300 men or so were eaten by sharks. That just really freaked me out! I'm terrified of fish let alone sharks! I'm always afraid when I go swimming there's a shark near me. Especially if the water is murky and I can't see what's by me! I hate that!

Summer's Over!

Alex went back to school today! She's started in 3rd grade now. She's actually been wanting to go back! I think she missed having something definite to do during the day. She gets bored WAY too easy! If she didn't have a friend to play with, she never had anything to do. Oh yeah, there are TONS of toys in her room. But she never had anything to do. I guess that's kids for you. They only want toys until they get them, then they don't matter anymore. Which is why I've been selling her things that she hasn't touched in months or years. For example, she has a pottery wheel that actually spins just like a real one, and it has the clay, and paints, and tools, and everything you need to make really cute little pottery things. She played with it once since I got it for her for christmas last year. So..I'm selling it. It still has over a pound and a half of clay. I feel like it'd be too much of waste for it to just sit anymore. So, if any of you would like it, just let me know!
Bella is still a member of our family. She seems to be getting better with being potty trained. Border Collies are really smart, and she's picking up on things pretty well. She still needs a lot of work, but she hasn't had an accident in the house since the first day she was here. To me that says improvement!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Home At Last

We just got back from our family reunion. It felt SOOOOO GOOOOOD to take a shower!! It wasn't really dirty there or anything, but Aunt Mary said that we couldn't use the showers because there were big bugs in them crawling around everywhere. That was enough to convince me! So I didn't shower while I was there and it was hot and sticky and I felt really really gross. So when I got home, it was a very warm welcome!
This thing on the side of my lip (I'm sure you all noticed) is driving me crazy! It was a zit or something and I kept messing with it too much and it scabbed over. Now it cracks and bleeds from time to time which makes it harder for it to heal. I hate it! It looks disgusting! So in case any of you were wondering about it, that's what it was.
When we left the campsite we were going to find a place to eat. Po-dunk towns like that usually have really good home style food. So we went to Carriann's Texas Roadhouse. THEY SUCKED!!! All we ordered were some club sandwiches and kids ribs. We were the first people in there to sit down, and after almost an hour we still didn't have our food while everyone around us who came in after we did were almost finished with theirs! The girl said " well, we have a really small grill and it takes a while because other people had big orders" We're going.. We got here before they did! Not to mention all we wanted were club sandwiches! You don't really need a grill for that! They just had really bad service so we walked out. Then we went to The Home Plate Cafe. They were really good. And we had our food before the 15 minute mark. But if you ever have a chance to go to Cariann's Texas Roadhouse in Manti, you might want to reconsider.
Oh and Shana, what's the name and number of that lady who might take the cats?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Baby And A Puppy? What Was I Thinking?!

Ok, don't get me wrong, I love Bella! But not her constant accidents on my carpet. Luckily she hasn't pooped on it. But she's a yelper and I'm discovering the hard way that a needy puppy and a needy baby are hard to handle at the same time! Not to mention her yelp wakes up the baby and then I have 2 criers. This is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought. It would be easier if she would go in her crate. I've had to lock her in the garage so far and the space isn't small enough to teach her potty control. At least it's not my carpet though. Does anyone know how I teach her not to yelp though?

Why I Hate Swamp Coolers...

1. They're loud
2. They don't work as good as central air
3. They break down all the time
4. They make the house all damp and sticky
5. They just suck
6. You have to shove a pillow up the duct in winter
7. You can't control the air temperature

We have a swamp cooler, and I hate it. Thank you for letting me vent :)

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Happy 24th!

Tonight is going to ROCK!! We got some awesome fireworks to shake the neighborhood with! ;) I'm excited! Luckily our neighbors are all cool too so they won't mind the noise! We got some mortars (mini bombs) that are so freakin' LOUD! This is going to be great!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Strange Occurrences

A few blogs back, I mentioned something about witnessing some strange things happening due to what I believe is ghosts. Shana wanted to hear about that, so I've decided to share my experiences. You can judge for yourself whether or not you think it's real. Here are some instances.
The first one was when I was at my old apartment at Fairway. You should know that these apartments are very old, but in over a year, I never had anything happen that I could say "this happened because of this" type of thing. One night around 9 I was just sitting in my living room watching tv when out of the corner of my eye I saw someone standing by my door. It freaked me out! I looked just in time to see what looked like an indian walk through my door
(which was closed and locked). Just as it did, my door moved like someone from the outside was pulling on it. I didn't sleep well for the next few nights as you can imagine! That was the only time living there that I ever experienced anything unusual. Then I moved to Cobble Creek. John has had instances of his own throughout his life as he claims, and he says he can always sense when someone is there or something isn't right. When we were moving out, he mentioned how he felt sometimes like there was a presence in the living room. Sometimes he would be by himself at night in there and he didn't like it. He said it felt like someone was with him. In my apartment living by myself, I never had anything happen. Though there were times it felt like I wasn't alone or someone was watching me. I hated that feeling. Then after I got married and John moved in, there were a few things that happened. Alex claims she saw some things too. But here's some things that happened. More than once, things would fall in the middle of the night. We had a candle on top of the tv in our room for months. It was on a flat surface, away from the edge, and in all the months it had been there it had never fallen off. Then one night I hear this crash. It fell off. No reason, it just did. And it didn't sound like it just fell, it sounded like it got pushed forcefully. It was a loud crash. The same thing happened a couple more times. Then when we got our stroller with the car seat, we had it in our room cuz there was nowhere else to put it. The stroller was folded up and we had the car seat fitted snug on top of it. It wasn't going anywhere. But same thing.. it crashed in the middle of the night one night. The thing about it too is, the handle on the stroller kept it from falling off the way it did. But yet it still did. You would have had to lift it up and throw it over the handle to make it fall. But there is was.. laying on the floor. It boggles the mind doesn't it? After we moved out, we were doing the final cleaning of the apartment (by we I mean John cuz I was 9 months pregnant) and he went back to vacuum after it was all moved out. He said that he could feel a presence there and it freaked him out. He didn't want to be there. Alex had her experiences too like I said before. She was having a sleepover one night with her friend and they wanted to sleep in the living room. Some time in the middle of the night she woke up and saw a blinking orb that was changing color on the ceiling. The blinds were closed so it wasn't coming from outside. Then another time she got up to use the bathroom and just happened to look up towards the corner of the ceiling and she swears she said she saw a face smiling at her. Then it just disappeared. That apartment creeped me out. I'm glad we don't live there anymore!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sit Up, Not Spit Up

I'm holding Connor and he just finished his bottle. He was acting like he wanted to sit up a bit so I said "you want to sit up?" as I was sitting him up. Just then, right after I said it he spit up. I said SIT up not SPIT up! I just thought that was kind of funny.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Long Time, No See!

So I took my printed music (which I'm very proud of) over to my mom's to see if she could proof it for me (because I'm very proud of it). But she couldn't play it. So guess what I did.. I looked up my old piano teacher who I haven't seen or talked to in close to 20 years! Imagine that too..she remembered me! She said she'd proof it for me, and even teach me some things that could help me! I love her! Even after so many years she's still willing to teach me. :) She retired years ago. I'm glad she said she'd help.
In other news, I taught my mom how to put up pictures on her blog! :) YAY MOM!! She's not very computer knowledgeable so this was a big step for her. Now everyone needs to go see her blog and see what a good job she did! :) Oh, and I'm still trying to find a home for the cats. PLEASE let me know if you know anyone who could take them!
Alex is coming home tomorrow. She's been in Wyoming for 2 weeks (a very nice 2 weeks!) We'll be glad to have her home, but I can't deny I have loved the quiet here!
Also... yes, there's more.. John and I will be celebrating our 1 year anniversary next month! Happy anniversary honey!! We're going out of town the weekend after. Just the two of us. We're really looking forward to it!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Can We Say Addicted?

Wow..am I addicted to blogging or what?! This is yes..the THIRD time I'm writing today! But I just had to! I finished my first song!! I got it printed out and everything! I'm so proud! I wish I had someone who could proof it for me though. My mom kind of can, but I couldn't take it over to her today. But YAY!! I got one done! I can't wait to start working on my second one now!
If anyone knows someone who'd like 2 cats let me know! John is allergic and I need to find a good home for them. I'm not charging anything for them, and they're extremely sweet and loving! They are indoor cats because they've both been declawed.

A Little More About Me...

Name 5 things you are grateful for:
1. My family
2. My home
3. My religion
4. The ability to forgive others
5. The talents God gave me

What are some things you love about your spouse?
1. He's handsome :)
2. He works hard to take care of his family so I can stay home with the baby
3. He's funny
4. He compliments my cooking all the time (even though he'll eat anything.. and I mean anything)
5. I love that he loves me
6. He's very loving to me and the kids
7. I could go on all day about him

What are some things you're afraid of?
1. FISH!! I have always had a phobia!
2. Spiders
3. Ghosts (when I hear strange sounds I can't identify or things fly off the shelf for no reason-that's actually happened)
4. Bankruptcy

If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? Some place tropical. Tahiti maybe. I liked Tahiti. :)

Is there anything you would change about your life right now? I wish I had a degree in something.

Name 3 people you admire and why?
1. My parents. They are always there to help me when I need it.
2. John. He is very patient with me and is not afraid to say "I'm sorry".
3. All the people who work very hard to save lives both here and in different parts of the world. (the doctors who help those kids with the cleft lips, people who travel to third world countries to teach kids in school, make sure they have food ect..)

Who would you like to know better? EVERYONE!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

This Is HARD!!

Oh my gosh! I just wanted to say that publishing my music is one of the hardest things I've ever done! Not only is the software impossible to figure out, but once you get one thing down, there's something else that screws you up! And writing music is HARD! I can't seem to play anything that sounds good all of a sudden and all I hear is mistakes. I've been working on it all day and I haven't made hardly any progress. I'm feeling discouraged and worn out.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Look! I'm Blogging Again!

Last night was such a nightmare! Connor didn't end up going to sleep until 3am. Then he fell asleep just long enough to wake up again at 4. Luckily my mom is there! She saved my life! I called her at 6 and told her what he was like all night. She rushed right over to pick him up! Thanks mom!! You're the BEST!!
I wanted to tell you guys something really cool for me that I'm REALLY excited about! You all know I compose my own music, well now I'm working on publishing it! I got the software I needed to write it and I'm making a cd that I'm going to send off to an agency and see if I can't get a contract with one of them! So.. with any luck, I'll have my own cd out! I've been wanting to do this for a long time but just never thought I was good enough. I still know I need a lot work, but John, being the sweet man that he is, has told me time and time again how good I am and that I need to do this. He has so much faith in me and I'm always like, why? I don't see myself as being half as great as he thinks I am. But I'm going to try. If it doesn't work, at least I'll know. But hopefully it will!
Guess what time it is guys?! It's 1:30 AM! Connor has decided that now is a really good time for him to be up. Um.. no. It's really not. But he doesn't seem to mind that I have to be up too. So here I am! Just trying to fill the time while he hopefully cries himself to sleep. This sucks! I don't want to be up right now! What is wrong with this child?! And now my cat won't leave me alone.... Ugh. I am so getting someone to watch him in the morning so I can sleep. He didn't let me sleep last night either. He was up at 2:30, then 4 because the alarm woke him up. Then he was nice enough to wake me up again at 5, 6, 7, and 8! Good grief child GO TO SLEEP!! It doesn't hurt I promise! It's enough to drive you mad! Is anyone else feeling the frustration?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Watch Out Boys!

I found my book that I've been writing poems and quotes in for like the past 10 years. I have this one called " The Arithmetic", and when Alex starts dating I hope she remembers this. :)

He's teaching her arithmetic. He said it was their mission.
He kissed her once then kissed her twice and said now that's addition.
As he added smack by smack in total satisfaction,
She gently gave the kisses back and said now that's subtraction.
As they carried on with great anticipation, they pulled away and said WOW! Multiplication!
Then dad appeared upon the scene and made a quick decision.
He kicked that lad three blocks away and said now that's long division.

Friday, July 13, 2007

The Cross Room

The young man was at the end of his rope. Seeing no way out, he dropped to his knees in prayer. "Lord, I can't go on." He said, "I have too heavy a cross to bear." The Lord replied "my son, if you can't bear it's weight, just place your cross inside this room. Then open that other door and pick out any cross you wish." The man was filled with relief. "Thank you Lord" he sighed and he did as he was told. Upon entering the other door he saw many crosses, some so large the tops were not visible. Then he spotted a tiny cross leaning against a far wall. "I'd like that one, Lord" he whispered. The Lord replied "my son, that is the cross you just brought in".
I love this poem. It helps me remember many things. Mostly that God is always here to help us when we have too much to bear. But also, that even when things seem so impossible it could always be worse and we should be thankful for what what we have, and just how easy we really have it.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I'm feeling really stressed and a little depressed today guys. You know when you wake up and it's just a feeling like something's off and then things keep going wrong all day? I hate days like this. I need a hug.

Monday, July 9, 2007

I've Been Tagged By Aunt Chris

Job's I've Had:
1. Mom
2. Famous Dave's BBQ
3. Tucci's
4. Salt Lake County Parks & Recreation
5. Direct TV

Movies I watch Over and Over:
1. Pride & Prejudice
2. Lord of The Rings
3. Sweet Home Alabama

Places I have Lived:
1. Salt Lake City Utah
2. West Jordan Utah

Places I Want to Visit:
1. Ireland
2. Hawaii (again)
3. Egypt

Places I have visited:
1. Australia
2. South America
3. Africa
4. Europe
5. China
6. Greenland

T.V. Shows I watch:
1. Simpsons
2. CSI
3. Price is Right
4. Dirty Jobs

Favorite Places to Eat:
1. Mimi's Cafe
3. Red Robin

Websites I Visit:
1. WebMD
2. Yahoo
3. Popcap

1. Elaine
2. Adam

Just copy and paste to your blog then change the answers. If I can do it you can do it..haha
I mentioned that Connor got his first shots. Well, he also got ear infections in both ears too. He's had a rough week. Alex is still in Wyoming, and even though it'll be good when she comes home, I'm really enjoying the quiet here without her.
We've decided to do some landscaping around our yard. We have some of those ugly railroad ties, so we're going to rip all those out and replace them with stone. Then we're ripping out some bushes we have in back. They're infested with spiders! Not just the little tiny stupid ones either, but wolf spiders! Great big ones! I really really really don't want to touch them, but John said I have to help.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

God Bless America

I hope everyone had a happy 4th of July! Ours was nice. I didn't get to go with John and Alex to do fireworks at his brother's house, but I watched a movie at home and relaxed. Connor couldn't go over there so that's why I couldn't. John said he'll make it up to me on the 24th. So it's all good.
Pam took Alex up to Wyoming early this morning. When she got here a few days ago, you could definitely feel the tension. She didn't speak to me more then just a few indirect questions about the baby. It wasn't much better at the BBQ either. I'm glad she's gone and I can feel comfortable again.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Connor had his first shots today. :( It was so sad! He got 2 in each leg and another one taken orally. He cried and made the saddest little face while the nurse was giving them to him. But he's a tough little guy and before we even left the room he was happy and relaxed. He's such a sweetheart!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Well..Alex is officially out of school. Now I have to figure out what to do with her for a month. At least it's only a month though and not 3. I love year round! I guess John's mom is coming down for the 4th and taking Alex back to Wyoming with her when she leaves. This should be interesting when she comes. I don't think she likes me anymore after I pretty much told her to leave the last time she was here. I had a very good and valid reason for that though. I mean we had just moved into our house. Not 3 days later I had Connor. I had post partum depression, I broke out in hives, we still had all our unpacking to do, and here comes Pam with a 3 hour notice she's staying with us for a week! Then she didn't help with one thing while she's here. Is it me, or would that make anyone a little upset?