Saturday, October 25, 2008

Boo At The Zoo

Today we went and did boo at the zoo. My friend Lannette called me yesterday and invited us to go with her. It was SOOO crowded! And wouldn't you know it, this is the only picture we got of Connor at his first trip to the zoo and trick or treating before the batteries in my camera died. Not cool! He's a kangaroo this year. I wish we would have gotten a full body shot of his costume, but he has a little pouch with a baby kangaroo hanging out. It's really cute. Connor wasn't as interested in the animals as I'd hoped, but maybe we just need to give him another year. Alex wasn't with us today. She is spending this weekend with her mom. We had fun today though. It would have been a lot nicer if there weren't so many people, but we made the best of it. We plan on going again maybe in a couple weeks when Alex is here and hopefully there won't be so many
people. We really wanted to take Connor on the train but the line was just way too long. But today was fun. I'm glad we went.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can't Pass Up A Tag

Copy and paste this to your blogs!

I think... I need to get out more often.
I need... to seriously lose weight!
I know... I'm not always the voice of reason.
I want... to take more vacations with my family.
I have.... an obsession with bagels.
I miss.. the good 'ol days and family reunions the way they were when we were kids.
I fear.. that I'm going to get cancer.
I feel... tired.
I hear.. Connor's rattle, and the tv.
I smell... the remnants of last nights dinner still. (it had bacon in it and always lingers for a long time)
I crave... bagels.
I regret... some past decisions.
I wish... I had more energy and motivation.
I love... my family.
I always... think about how nice it would be to have a nanny on call.
I remember... when I was a kid how accident prone I was, and Connor is starting to be the same.
I sing... primary songs to Connor.
I don't always... feel like being the responsible one.
I argue... more then I should.
I write... poetry, but not as often as I used to.
I lose... pens.
I listen.. to music during the day sometimes.
I don't understand ... how the economy got so bad so fast.
I can usually be found... chasing Connor around the house trying to keep him out of trouble.
I forget... something from 6 months ago that John told me once and thinks I should remember still.
I am happy.... when it's sunny.
I tag anyone who cares to do this.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


How do you like them apples?! I just finished my next project which came out soooo much better then the others! They're made of Lapis and seed beads, and I have to say.. the earrings were a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!! But aren't they cute! I'm so proud of myself! I should make more! You can't really tell in the picture, but the bracelet is 6 strands wrapped around each other. Cool huh! It looks a lot better in person.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Not That Smart..

Ok.. our dog isn't the brightest crayon in the bunch. I've always thought she was pretty smart. Until she went and ate the zipper off of my jacket. Not just ripped it off and chewed on it, I mean she actually ate it and now it's stuck in her colon and she can't get it out. It's sad to watch her try. It hurts her. I took her to the vet and they gave her a laxative among other things I won't mention because it's gross. But so far she still can't get the rest of the zipper out. Sigh... we have somewhat of a dumb dog.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I Was Tagged By Abbi

5 Lists (everything in no particular order)

5 Joys:
1. watching Connor learn new things
2. baking
3. driving in the mountains
4. Sleeping
5. camping (as long as I get to sleep unlike last time)

5 Fears:
1. Spiders and fish
2. getting a call that John got sucked into a machine at his work (it happens!)
3. heights in narrow places, ie. cliffs, ladders, etc.
4. bugs in general
5. drowning

5 Obsessions:
1. having a set place for everything
2. Connor
3. organizing the movies so all the sets are together
4. my cell phone (I know.. it's sad)
5. being ON TIME if not early

5 Surprising Facts:
1. I have never been to Cabella's
2. If you asked me what an Allen Wrench is I probably couldn't tell you.
3. I can't water ski.
4. I love bagels with cheese and jam melted in the middle. (it's good try it)
5. I have double jointed toes, but only on one toe on each foot.

5 People to Tag:
1. Kortney
2. Shana
3. Mom
4. Audra
5. Jessi P*

Nearly Hairless

Macey has had her first grooming experience and it has left her looking like this. They had to shave her because of matted hair that couldn't be combed out. (I do brush her, but our brush wasn't getting the mats out good enough). She's nearly hairless now. Alex said she looks like a bobble head doll because of her poofy head and stick like body. Haha. Poor thing. Good thing hair grows back! But this at least gives me an excuse to go buy her a cute little sweater since she's always cold now.