Monday, December 31, 2007


I finally got around to calling an old friend of mine today. Her name is Rusti. We went to high school together, and lost track with each other about 5 years ago. A while back, my mom had mentioned how she ran into her at the clinic. Her little boy (which I didn't know she had) had broken his leg. So I called her today. I had her cell number but I didn't know if it was still the right one. Luckily it was! It was fun to talk to her again. Her little girl is 4 now, and her boy is almost 2. I found out some things about another friend of mine, Jen, who I haven't seen or talked to in even longer. Probably somewhere around 6 or 7 years. She has 2 boys now! Last I'd heard of her she was still pregnant with her first. I guess she's been moving around a lot too. Between her and her husband, they have quite a bit of money, and enjoy buying and selling new houses. Even building them and selling in less then a few years. How would that be? I think I'd enjoy being able to buy new houses that often, but I wouldn't want to. I HATE moving! Plus, how would you ever get to know your neighbors long enough to build good friendships? It would be nice to have the money for it, but not to actually do it.
Anyway, Rusti invited me to call Jen and talk to her about getting together with her and Rusti sometime for lunch this next week I think. That would be nice to meet up with old friends again. We'll see how it goes. Connor is a lot younger then their kids, and unless he's asleep, may not last long just sitting with me.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Too Early

You know when something happens in the morning, some loud noise or something that wakes you up and you just hope and pray that it doesn't wake the baby? That was me this morning. Our stupid dog decided it would be fun to howl outside our door at 5:45 AM!! She gets lonely sometimes and that's how she responds to it. Anyway, it woke me up. I had brought the baby down into our room at about 4am. I usually do that in the morning so I can go back to sleep and if he doesn't, I don't have to keep going up and down the stairs all morning. Well, the dog woke me up but luckily not the baby. What woke him up is me opening the door to tell the dog to shut up. He probably would have slept til 7:30 had the dog not done that. That's what time he's been waking up lately. But no. He woke up which means I woke up at 5:45am. After I was already up at 4 until about 4:45. So I'm not diggin' this whole morning thing today. Have you guys had this happen a lot too?

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Wishes Come True

Well, the stockings were hung, the treats left out, and another Christmas turned out to be a success. Alex loved everything she got (even though she didn't get a lot of what she asked for since it cost so much). She got a Gamboy Advance, art stuff, a new scooter, and a new bed set to name a few. Connor was more interested in tearing the paper and hearing it crinkle then what was inside of it. He got some good stuff too. Some new clothes, a cute riding toy, and some other things. I got some AWESOME things! Among my favorites a vibrating back massager, a spiraling neck massager, an ipod, and a bubbling foot sauna. Ahhhh.. heaven! So now I can sit back with my music while enjoying a neck rub, a back massage, and stick my feet in a nice foot jacuzzi. Things couldn't get sweeter! John got some good things too of course. I can't forget about him! Among some of his things were some x Box 360 games, a quilt which I made for him (with the help of my mom), some new shirts (that I'm not thrilled with, they make him look OLD), and some cute trinkets from Alex. We got our family portrait from my parents. It turned out great! I had seen it already before Christmas but John hadn't. He loves it! I think he was surprised at how nice it turned out. The photographer really did a good job! Pricey, but good job!
It was a wonderful Christmas! We spent the morning at home, and John's brother came over around 10:30 for a few hours. Then we spent the evening at my parents house. We had a delicious dinner with prime rib. MMMMMM!!!! It was FABULOUS!! I do have some pictures. I'll post a few probably tomorrow.
Well, I hope everyone's Christmas was enjoyable and long lasting! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!

I'll post pictures later!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas Eve! Just 1 more day!

"Still, still, still, tis' the eve of our Saviour's birth"

Sunday, December 23, 2007

2 more days!

"The night was still, and all was quiet, the star led the way to Jesus. The wise men traveled far to see Him, the shepherds came as well. Under a tiny stable with hay and dirt, the baby shared his bed. The animals in reverenced awe lay still beside His head."

Saturday, December 22, 2007

3 more days!

"Joy to the world! Our Lord has come!" (almost)

Friday, December 21, 2007

4 more days!

"Beneath your tree lay presents and toys, but don't forget that once beneath the roof of a stable lay our Lord and Saviour."

Thursday, December 20, 2007

"Deck The Halls" (Not Literally)

I'm starting a Christmas count down starting today.

Only 5 more days!

"Let Christmas bells ring, and children sing. For Christ will be born to man"

Sunday, December 16, 2007

When Will It Stop?

I'm sure you're all tired of hearing this, but Connor has yet another ear infection. It seems like that's all I talk about anymore. The poor little guy has been suffering for so long with this problem. We need to take him to an E.N.T (ear, nose, throat) and I really want them to just say "Yeah, he needs tubes in his ears". It would make all the difference at this point. The doctor that looked at him tonight said that his ear canals were so tiny, this problem would just keep continuing until he either grows out of it, or he gets tubes put in. I don't want him to be miserable for that much longer. It's just not right. My mom said that there are a lot of nurses she works with that said there are a lot of E.N.T's that will do it before they have 6 consecutive ear infections in 6 months. Well, he's half way there now and it's not going to get any better. So I want the tubes put in. I'm sure if Connor could talk, he'd say the same thing. I'm just glad he's such a sweet boy even when he feels like crap!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Taking In Some Culture

John and I were lucky enough to have a nice evening out last night, and we went to the symphony. It was really nice. It wasn't Christmas songs like I'd thought it would be, but still good. It was relaxing (there was a whole row of people who actually fell asleep) and nice to be able to spend some good time with John. I forgot my camera again... of course! But it kind of didn't matter anyway because they weren't allowing cameras in there and there was nothing but TRAFFIC everywhere we went to take a picture of. So, you're not really missing out on much picture-wise. Thanks again mom for taking Connor! Alex was with her mom over night so we didn't have to worry about a babysitter for her. It was a nice outing though. VERY much needed! Since it wasn't Christmas songs though, now we need to go to something that is. We went to a Kurt Bestor concert on Thursday that John wasn't able to go to since he was at work. The symphony was supposed to be his Christmas concert. We'll just find something else. The Nutcracker is performing at the Capitol Theatre until the 22nd I think. Maybe we'll look into that.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Is Connor sick with ANOTHER ear infection?? That's the question that's on all our minds. The answer? I don't know. But I am going to have to find out. So I'll make yet another appointment to see the doctor, and hopefully, HOPEFULLY he won't have one! He's showing some of the tell-tale signs of having them again though. I don't know what to do with him. I hate this! How did you prevent your kids from being sick constantly? Is there a trick to not getting ear infections? HELP ME!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Merry Christmas

This email was sent to me by Kortney. I thought it was a good message to get out there. It's sad what's happening, so please read.

'Twas the month before Christmas
When all through our land,
Not a Christian was praying
Nor taking a stand.

Why the PC Police
had taken away,
The reason for Christmas -
no one could say.

The children were told
by their schools not to sing,
About Shepherds and Wise Men
and Angels and things .

It might hurt people's feelings,
the teachers would say
December 25th is
just a 'Holiday.'

Yet the shoppers were ready
with cash, checks and credit
Pushing folks down to
the floor just to get it!

CDs from Madonna,
an X BOX, an I-pod
Something was changing,
something quite odd!

Retailers promoted
Ramadan and Kwanzaa
In hopes to sell books
by Franken &Fonda.

As Targets were hanging
their trees upside down
At Lowe's the word Christmas
was no where to be found.

At K-Mart and Staples
and Penny's and Sears
You won't hear the word Christmas;
it won't touch your ears.

Inclusive, sensitive,
Di-ver-si-ty Are
words that were used
to intimidate me.

Now Daschle, Now Darden,
Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen
On Boxer, on Rather,
on Kerry, on Clinton!

At the top of the Senate,
there arose such a clatter
To eliminate Jesus,
in all public matter.

And we spoke not a word,
as they took away our faith
Forbidden to speak of
salvation and grace.

The true Gift of Christmas
was exchanged and discarded
The reason for the season,
stopped before it started.

So as you celebrate
'Winter Break' under your
'Dream Tree' Sipping your Starbucks,
listen to me.

Choose your words carefully,
choose what you say
not Happy Holiday!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Connor's Update

Well there's good news and bad news. The good news is his ear infections cleared up finally and that's not what's bothering him. The bad news is that he's sick again. How you might ask would that happen again so soon? Well allow me to share. I'm really mad about this mainly because it's plain common sense..if you're sick, you don't get close to babies. Right? You'd think. Pam has apparently not learned that lesson. Here's the kicker.. SHE WORKS IN CHILD CARE!! Uh..hello??? Grrr!! When she came over to pick up Alex to take her back to Wyoming with her, she was sick. I didn't know this or I would have stopped her from kissing and rubbing her face all over the baby, and letting him touch all over hers. I found out after she left that she was sick. Pam said to John as she was walking out the door "oh I hope this sickness of mine gets better soon". What sickness? "Well I've been sick". So here is a person who works in child care with babies no less, but she doesn't have enough common sense to think huh..I'm sick. I probably shouldn't get too close to Connor. Well now Connor is paying the price for it. I can't believe Pam is that selfish and ignorant. She's known that he's already been sick with a different illness, then ear infections, and now this. That is so rude! But I have to admit sadly, and maybe I'm out of place for saying it, but from what I've seen in many different cases with her typical. It's always about her, and what she wants.
Ok, I shouldn't be so hard on her. She's my mother-in-law, and I need to love and get along with her. It's just that because of her, Connor is now miserable. He's in pain, he's irritable, and it's not only effecting him. I have lost 2 nights of sleep now because he's too sick to sleep. It just makes me sick to think that had she just obeyed common sense, everything could be fine and back to normal now. But instead, we're back on this horrible roller coaster. He can't stop taking medicine yet still, and I'm getting really tired of having a sick baby for more then a month now. Wouldn't you guys get stressed out if this happened to you? If you were this close to things finally getting better and then someone screwed it all up? The doctor said this could last for a couple more weeks. It breaks my heart to know and see the kind of misery he's in. So maybe I am a little harsh on Pam. But I think she should have known better.

Ear Infections GO AWAY Quit Coming Back Every Day!!!

It's been close to a month since Connor got the first ear infections, and he STILL has them! I think he needs tubes in his ears. I don't want to keep giving him antibiotics that don't do anything. The last time he got checked the day after Thanksgiving, the doctor (not his doctor but a lady I don't really like and I'll tell you why) said his infection hadn't cleared up, but it hadn't worsened at least. I said "well, what about putting tubes in his ears? I'm worried about giving him so much medicine". She said "oh we really don't do that until they've had ear infections for at least 6 months continuously and they're a year old". You're kidding me right?? He has to suffer with ear infections for 6 months before you'll fix him?? I don't think so. She kept telling me I had to just keep trying different antibiotics. I said that's not good for him to keep taking them for so long. She goes well yeah, but that's what we have to do. That's why I don't like her. She seems more concerned with pumping him full of meds then actually fixing the problem. I'm taking him to his doctor today to see if I get a different answer. I really like his doctor. He is very attentive and seems more concerned with how to fix it, not just band aid it. But bottom line is I think I need to take him to an E.N.T. for a final opinion. I really think tubes is the answer this time. He's tried 2 different kinds of antibiotics now and neither one worked. In fact this time I think they have worsened. He's been waking up every 2 hours in the night, he won't nap, and he won't eat. Before he'd at least nap, and sleep half decent. Now even sitting up he won't nap for more then a half hour. I feel bad for him. Poor guy! Well, we'll see what the doctor says. I'll let you all know the verdict later.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas everyone! Are you all decked out and holly jolly? I don't really have much to post about which is lame but I'll get some news up soon. Just wanted to wish y'all a Merry Christmas!!